Hey everyone!
A while back, I reached to some other chapters about the idea of creating a common CORE Build Kit after noticing a major pattern in many of our GoBabyGo car adaptations. Not getting much responses I decided to dive in and design a kit tailored to the needs of own IL chapter in hopes it will project to other chapters needs as well.
Now, I’m hoping to collaborate with other chapters (and anyone interested) to make this kit more generic and fully customizable. My goal is a the KIT parts and assembly to the point it would one day not only GbG chapters to expand the production but also allow ANY individual with a screw driver to adapt cars at home (at least for the simplistic use case).
I’d love to hear your thoughts, feedback, and ideas. Let’s work together to refine this CORE Build Kit so it benefits as many children (and volunteers) as possible!
Feel free to comment here or message me directly if you’d like to get involved.
Thanks, and looking forward to collaborating with all of you!