Category Topics

Manuals and Guides

Please post your manuals, guides, instructions, and any other resources that may be helpful to other GoBabyGo! chapters or groups wishing to make a similar modification.

Technical Discussion

The Technical Discussion category is the place to discuss best practices when it comes to the actual modification of ride-on cars or other devices for the purposes of GoBabyGo! This is where you should post questions and answers regarding safety, wiring, mechanical modifications, and any of the other technical aspects that come into play as we work together to provide greater mobility for children with special needs. All groups are encouraged to have cars or other devices inspected by a professional engineer before distributing them to the families.

Build Showcase

Use this category to upload pictures and video links to show others what you have built and how it is being used. Please make sure that you have permission to upload any pictures of minors using the devices you have built. Be tasteful and positive.

GBG Community Connector

The Community Connector is meant to help anyone who wants to connect with or find their local GoBabyGo! Chapter. This thread is meant to help connect families, robotics teams, and other community organizations that wish to build with chapters. It’s a way for people who wish to become more active with GoBabyGo! to find out who to contact in their area.

Problem Solver

Use the Problem Solver Category to post your questions about how to get something done. These can be questions about basically any aspect of your participation in GoBabyGo from steering to harnesses to how to best modify a new product on the market. Post your question and respond to the questions of others. Time to brainstorm!

General Discussion

This category is for topics that don’t fit into an existing category. Please try to find an appropriate category for your post, but if it just doesn’t exist. This is the place for you.

Best Practices

Use the Best Practices category to discuss the latest and greatest ideas in what we can do to make kids more mobile and safer. Topics may include seating, harnesses, safety, fundraising, release forms, etc. Included all the things you do, or plan to do to make GoBabyGo even better.

Site Feedback

Discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.