Saginaw Valley State University Go-Baby-Go Project

Saginaw Valley State University is proud to be a part of the GBG community.

We’ve modified vehicles for 3 different vehicles.

We are preparing the manuals now and will post them as soon as they are ready, along with a final report and presentation.


Can you send me (jacgallo@udel…edu) full contact info so I can put you on our chapters list

We would love to be on your chapters’ list! Thank you for asking!
Our contact information is:

Go Baby Go - Saginaw Valley State University
Saginaw, Michigan
Dr. Rajani Muraleedharan Sreekumarid,
Janel Caverly, or

Thx! Updating the list with your info

Do you have any social media outlets I can link to???

Best cole

Thank you! It is an honor to be on your list. We will have our social media links available soon!

great! (if you think of it, let me know when the social media stuff goes live)
and congrats again on launching this chapter – chapters DO NOT LAUNCH themselves - you all should be very proud (I AM!)

Hello! I am a PT in Rochester Hills and am interested in helping to get a car built for one of the little guys I work with in Early Intervention. I am wondering if you have suggestions on how to get started? Thanks!

Please email me at so I can help you find ways to get your sweetie a ride!!
best, Cole